The Dark Curse project is an Open Source re-creation of the classic MMO Dark Throne. This project aims to be a faithful recreation of the game, with the will of the community driving it forward. To begin with, I intend to make the game as similar as possible to the original Dark Throne. Once I have acheived this, I will move on to enhancing the game with new features and functionality. All changes to the game will first be proposed to the player base and put to a vote. Only the top voted changes will be implemented.

A focus on Charity

Dark Throne offerd a premium subscription to players. This subscription provided players with sevelar benefits over a free account. The proceeds of these subscriptions were one of the Game’s primary sources of income. As well as the premium subscription, the game also ran adverts for players on free accounts.

This project intends to do the same. We will run adverts and offer a premium subscription. What makes this project unique is that we will not be making any profit from this. All proceeds will go into a pool of funds. The funds will first be used to pay for servers and other costs. Once the overheads are taken care of, all remaining funds will be donated to charity.

Every month, the community will vote for the charity they wish for funds to be donated to. The top voted charity will receive the funds.

Player Voting

It’s my intention that this project be a true community effort. Players that meet simple requirements (such as account age or level) will be able to vote. These restrictions exist only in an attempt to limit the possibility of players creating accounts in an attempt to un fairly affect the voting process.

New polls will be posted often and players will be able to decide on new features. Only features that receive a certain threshold of votes will be implemented. Equally, ideas that receive a lot of votes, but not enough will be made available at a later date in a future poll.

In addition to feature voting, players will also vote on and suggest charities to receive community donations. We will always ensure that the top voted charity receives the funds and will share any certificates or kind messages that we receive.

Why is the project called Dark Curse?

Dark Curse was once the name of a game that was developed by the same team as Dark Throne. As I understand it, the play style was similar to Dark Throne, but with an alternate theme. While deliberating the name of this project, I did my best to think about the future. Dark Throne is a great name and one I really like. It is however, also the name of a Norwegian metal band.

By avoiding the name Dark Throne; I hope to avoid confusion with the game, especially with newer players. Having a different name will also help a lot with things like Search Engine Optimiization (SEO).

Who is Moppler?

I have had an odd obsession with the game for almost ten years. I’m certainly not the first to the party but it’s been a part of my life for a long time. When I learnt that Dark Throne was shutting down, I wanted to do something. I didn’t want to let go. Even thought he player base has long since moved on to other, more modern games, I still wanted to keep playing Dark Throne.

My professional background is in web development. I’ve worked my way up from my first job as tech support in an office through to junior developer. After that, i’ve climbed the ladder. With new experiences and challenges, i’ve reached the point where I work as a technical leader for a large organisation. I design and build systems and services that process millions of requests a day. I have teams spread across the world, with the way things are set up, we never stop building.