Reducing scope for Alpha
I’d really like to get to a point as quickly as possible where the game is playable. I feel like it’s more important to focus on a minimal core game that everyone can enjoy, even if it’s limited in features. I could spend months working on something that is functionally identical to the original game, but that’s not ideal for the players, who have to wait longer.
It’s also argualbe that it’s more important that we get something simple in place first that the player base can help to guide as soon as possible. It’s one of the guiding proncipals of the project and one I’m keen to stick to. I would like the collective voice of the players to be a big part of the driving force behind the development of the game. For this reason I have revised my development plan.
The primary gameplay will focus on training units and attacking players. There will be little room for strategic play at this early stage. Players will receive the base level of citizens per day. There will be no additional ways to gain citizens. Players will need to choose wisely which units to train. Players gain experience by either sucessfully attacking another player or defending from an attacker.
See what’s going into the initial version here.